Solve Any Problem Using this One Chart of all of History
It’s all been done, there’s nothing new under the sun. This is a problem solving technique that has worked for me when thinking through problems creatively. Below is every major civilisation in History. Most were destroyed by natural disasters or completely unpredictable outside forces. In general, they did more things right than they did wrong to survive many hundreds or thousands of years to become the pinnacle of their era and geography. Pick 3 civilisations from East to West across any timeline. YouTube a 10-min documentary from the History Channel. I recommend watching YouTube on 2x with Closed Captioning on. It takes a few minutes to get used to but once you’re over the hump you’ll be fine. It’ll take you about 30 mins to watch the mini-documentaries. (You’ve got the answer to your problem in your brain, you just don’t know it yet.) Put on a timer for 20 mins (30 if you’re cool) close your eyes and listen to the video here (don’t forget to put YouTube back to regular speed)